Thursday, August 23, 2012

Climbing Mountains

Every year my family climbs the Middle Teton as a reminder that we can do hard things together. This year it was just a small intimate group; Erik, Jesse, Megan, Shane and me. We were blessed with a perfect window of climbing weather, great snow to slide down on (we all know this is the favorite part) and beautiful views! It was one of those perfect days your heart takes a picture to hold on to forever.
The prophet Spencer W. Kimball once said, "There are great challenges ahead of us, giant opportunities to be met. I welcome that exciting prospect and feel to say to the Lord, humbly, "Give me this mountain,' give me these challenges."
This year when I started off the climb I made a choice to "Make it Light" by just making that simple attitude choice before things got hard made all the difference. As I climb I always find myself praying for the strength, protection, good weather and a cheerful heart to carry me to the top. Then, when in life I find myself facing different kinds of  mountains to climb I see in my minds eye those climbing days and I know with God's help I can do all things, even climb rough mountains and I can choose to make it 'light.'
My prayer is that my children can know and remember these life lessons taught by the mountain so, when they face their own challenges and mountains to climb they know that together with the Lord we can do ALL things, and even enjoy the views!