Wednesday, November 19, 2014

50 Things to do while I'm 50!

50 Things to do while I'm 50!

...#6. Hike Lone Peak

so you see there's this list I made on my 49th Birthday... that started off '50 things to do before I turn 50' and then turned into '50 things to do while I'm 50

'... well so far I've only accomplished 30 of the 50! 

“Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory.”

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"We are adding another pumpkin to our patch!"
arriving March 2015

Is the heart big enough?
It is something every mother wonders when she is expecting another baby.
It's like jello on thanksgiving...
There's always room for more!
That is something every grandmother knows!
The heart goes for Forever
It has infinite room for "pumpkins" 

Monday, September 22, 2014

I want to be a Grandma when you grow up!


There's No One Like Grandma.

Grandmas influence us in a way no one else can. They teach us, inspire us, and help make us who we are.

Watch grandchildren around the globe convey their heartfelt thanks for their grandmas by sharing small and simple stories of love. 

How Has Your Grandma Touched Your Heart?

Take a moment and share a memory, a favorite saying, or something that reminds you of your grandma. Your contribution can be cherished for generations to come.

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This is a video you don't want to miss-
We all Love our Grandma's don't we?
I was blessed to have had three beautiful and loving Grandmas-
Grandma Bowles, Grandma Edwards and Grandma Brown-
 in my life and who I miss very much!
They inspire me still today to be the best person and Grandma I can be!
To Coleman & Peyton, I love being your Grandma Dewie!
A Grandma's Love reaches into the Eternities! 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The After-Life

                                            Our First day in the After-Life

So... this is what it feels like to have all your children grown and gone, I'm calling it the 'After-Life'. They are all off doing what we raised them to do- BEING BRILLIANT AND STANDING STRONG! It brings us so much JOY! I find the walls echo with memories. I find myself still picking up small remnants of them scattered through out the house. I find myself talking to Jack (the dog) more then ever before. I've hung a sign up that says, "Time to put on your BIG girl panties!" so, each morning I square my shoulders, remember to say prayers of gratitude and show myself how Brave my Brave is. I have loved being a stay at home Mom- I enjoyed the moments... now I'm going to find creative artist Judy, spoil Erik and the dog- and live in the After-Life happily ever after.